Sippican Choral Society, Marion, MA

Membership Information

Sippican Choral Society adheres to the following practices and policies to ensure that all members enjoy a productive rehearsal and a rewarding singing experience.


We ask that you consider your membership in SCS as both a privilege and a responsibility – a privilege to join in song with other music-loving individuals and a responsibility to participate in a professional and committed manner. We ask that you help us build our membership by encouraging others to join and increase our audience through personal promotion and ticket sales.


We perform formally twice a year, in December at our Winter Concert, and in late April/early May at our Spring Concert. Occasionally, we are also asked to sing at other venues, such as the Sippican Healthcare Center and the Marion Town Stroll. These latter events are small-group, volunteer opportunities in which everyone is welcome to sing but not obligated to do so.

Members of the Sippican Choral Society, Marion, MA

Musical Expectations

As an ensemble, we aspire to deliver outstanding musical performances that bring enjoyment to our audiences. As such, each member is asked to learn all musical selections, including correct pitches, lyrics, and dynamics. Members are expected to practice between rehearsals at home on their own and as instructed by the choral director. Practice tracks for each piece can be found under the Rehearsal Tracks tab.


The commitment of our members is key to the quality of our singing community and of our concert performances. Therefore, all members are expected to attend all rehearsals and to be in their seats promptly at 7:00, ready to warm up with the director. Attendance will be taken by your Section Leader. We do understand that unforeseen circumstances occur, as well as occasional illness. So, if you must miss a rehearsal, please notify your Section Leader in advance and follow up with your Section Leader thereafter. It is each member's responsibility to learn missed material and obtain directorial notes during absence. Members should miss no more than three rehearsals per season.


Rehearsals start at 7:00 p.m. with a warm-up. As much as possible, please start to warm up your singing voice before coming to rehearsal. The warm-up is an integral part of the rehearsal and is not optional. Chorus members should be in place and ready to begin at 7:00 p.m.

Mid-Practice Break

We will break for ten minutes mid-practice, as determined by the Director, at which time we will have announcements as needed.

Sheet Music

All music required for participation in SCS is assigned through the Music Librarians and distributed in a packet at the first rehearsal. Upon payment of dues, a member may take this packet home; otherwise, the packet must be returned to the Librarians at the end of practice. All sheet music remains the property of SCS and is to be returned in good condition at the end of the concert season immediately after the performance. Marking directorial notes in the music is expected – and encouraged! – but may only be done so in pencil. Members withdrawing before the end of the concert season must return all music to the Music Librarians or a Section Leader within two weeks of withdrawal.

Choral Folder

All members are required to use a standard black choral folder or notebook to hold music for concert performances. Folders are readily available for purchase online.

Concert Attire

  • Women: Black full-length skirt or black slacks; white top with sleeves; black shoes (Please, no off-white, ivory, or cream-colored tops.)
  • Men: Black tuxedo or black suit; white shirt; black bow tie; black shoes.


Please refrain from wearing anything strongly scented during rehearsals or performances.


Dues are $40 per season and are due by the third rehearsal of that season. Dues can be paid by cash or check made out to SCS and submitted to the Secretary.


We are a non-profit organization that must solicit contributions and grants to meet our expenses. Members are asked to contribute as they are able and to consider helping solicit contributions from businesses and individuals in their communities in the form of direct donations and program book advertisements.


All necessary information for participation in Sippican Choral Society will be communicated via periodic handouts and/or emails. These may include information such as rehearsal specifics, performance and program details, and fundraising information.

  • The Director’s practice notes will be sent out via email by the secretary no later than 24 hours after each Monday’s practice.
  • Although a rare occurrence, cancellation of rehearsal may occur during inclement weather, in which case members will be notified by both an email and a call from a member of the SCS Board phone chain.
  • Therefore, please be sure with the Secretary that your email and phone number are current and accurate.
